2.2.1 - save to LVM

  • Open DiceThrows2.vi
  • Save it as SaveToLVM.vi
  • Add a Boolean "Push button" and rename it to "Save data"
  • Create a case structure and wire "Save data" to the selector terminal
  • Insert a "Write to Measurement File" function inside the "True" case
    • Programming -> File I/O -> Write to Measurement File
    • Set it to save data in a file named "LVMdata.lvm"
  • Connect the Output array to signals
  • Run your VI and set "Save data" to on
  • Open the saved datafile outside Labview (any text editor) and view the layout
  • Try double-clicking "Write to Measurement File" and change the options - open the LVM file in a text editor to see the changes
  • Save your VI
  • Create a new VI to read the results
    • Insert a "Read From Measurement File"
    • Right click the "Signals" output and choose Create Indicator -> Graph
    • Open your LVM file and ensure the output is identical to the saved data
  • Save your VI as "ReadLVMfile.vi"
Created by Samuel Thrysøe © 2013