2.1.2 - Sine & Cosine

Recreate the block diagram below:

Skærmbillede 2012-04-04 kl. 22.50.03
  • You will need the following new functions
    • The trigonometric functions are on 
      • Mathematics->Elementary & Special Functions->Trigonometric Functions
    • Before the signals are wired to the Waveform Graphs a bundle function is used.
    • 2 pi is under Programming->Numeric->Math & Scientific Constants
  • Try changing the constants
    • What happens when you change 0/1 to the top right?
    • What happens when you change 30/4 at the bottom right?
    • What about the 50 inside the loop?
    • And the 100 iterations?
  • Save your VI as SineCosine.vi
Created by Samuel Thrysøe © 2013