2.1.3 - XY Graphs

Recreate the Block Diagram below:

Skærmbillede 2012-04-04 kl. 22.41.45
  • What figure will be created by the block diagram?
  • Change the block diagram to produce a spiral
    • (Hint: the Sine/Cosine signals must be getting bigger continously)
    • Divide the 300 with a constant on the wire from the loop tunnel to the divide function.
      • Try changing the constant to different values.
      • What purpose does it serve?
  • Change the display to update live
    • Move the XY-graph and bundle function into the loop.
    • You can no longer use auto-indexing - what do you need to replace it with?
      • To do this, you need to use prior knowledge:
        What did the auto-indexing do before you moved the XY graph inside the loop?
      • This "something" must be initialized and the values have to be available from iteration to iteration
    • Lock the axes to show ±300 (or what you have in the number of iterations in the for loop)
    • Disable autoscale x+y
    • Insert a delay inside the loop - set it to 15 ms
  • You have only been presented for Waveform charts, graphs and XY-graphs. Labview contains many other graphs. One of these is the "Feather plot" (Modern -> Graphs -> Feather).
    • Try to add a feather to the front panel, and move the icon inside the loop on the Block Diagram
    • With the graph, a "Plot helper" is added. 
      • You have to wire the X and Y values to this function (use the sine/cosine output). However, you will need to convert these to arrays first - use the Build Array function for this.
  • Save your VI as XYgraphs.vi
Created by Samuel Thrysøe © 2013