3.5.2 - Cluster Bundling

Recreate the Front Panel below

  • The colored panels are optional, but can be inserted using
    • Modern -> Decorations -> Horizontal Smooth Box
    • The color is changed using the Tools palette
      (Menu: View -> Tools palette, set the color with the bottom tools)
Skærmbillede 2012-04-09 kl. 18.45.36
  • Connect the input controls on the Block Diagram using a Bundle function
    • Programming -> Cluster, Class & Variant -> Bundle
  • Connect the bundle function with an Unbundle funktion
    • Programming -> Cluster, Class & Variant -> Unbundle
  • Connect the output terminals from Unbundle with the individual indicators
  • Verify, that the VI functions as the previous, and that changes in the input are reflected by changes in the output
  • Delete the cable between input and output
  • Create a case structure
  • Wire the "Erstat tekst" (Replace text) control with the selector terminal
  • Choose the "False" option
  • Connect Bundle with the left side of the case structure
  • Connect Unbundle with the right side of the case structure
  • Connect the terminals on the right and left side
  • Change to the  "True" option
  • Skærmbillede 2012-04-09 kl. 18.50.10Insert a "Bundle By Name" function in the case structure and wire  "Input cluster" with the left terminal
  • Choose the "String" option in the name (Default is numeric)
  • Wire the replacement text (Erstatningstekst) with the input of the "Bundle By Name" function
  • Connect "Output cluster" with the right side of the replace cluster
  • Check that your VI works as expected, and that you can replace the output text with the replacement text by pressing the replacement button
  • Save your VI as ClusterBundling.vi

Created by Samuel Thrysøe © 2013