1.4.1 - Temperature With Running Average
- Download and open the VI 1.4.1 - Temperature_Running_Average.vi
- Add a Wave Chart to the Front Panel and change the format to the one shown below
- Right-click->Properties - Change titles and colors
- Expand the legend on the top right
- Add digital displays (Right-click -> Visible Items -> Digital Displays)
- Add labels to the digital displays (right-click the their right on the Front Panel)
- To create a "Running Average"
- Make a shift register and add 3 sub-registers, so there are four registers in total
- Connect them all with the 20 outside the loop (Initialising)
- Use "Compound Arithmetic" to add the shift registers together with the blind wire
- Divide the result with 5 and wire it to the empty spot in the bundle function
- Connect the cluster (the output from the Bundle function) with the graph
- Send the bottom bundle input to the shift register on the right
- Save your VI as Temperature_Running_Average.vi